A must read:
Message in a Bottle (fastcompany.com)
from the article:
Bottled water is the food phenomenon of our times. We--a generation raised on tap water and water fountains--drink a billion bottles of water a week, and we're raising a generation that views tap water with disdain and water fountains with suspicion. We've come to pay good money--two or three or four times the cost of gasoline--for a product we have always gotten, and can still get, for free, from taps in our homes.
You can buy a half- liter Evian for $1.35--17 ounces of water imported from France for pocket change. That water seems cheap, but only because we aren't paying attention. In San Francisco, the municipal water comes from inside Yosemite National Park. It's so good the EPA doesn't require San Francisco to filter it. If you bought and drank a bottle of Evian, you could refill that bottle once a day for 10 years, 5 months, and 21 days with San Francisco tap water before that water would cost $1.35.
Unbelievable how much money, resources and waste is involved in the business of water. Makes you wonder how many years before we get canned air? Wait,
I take that back. :(

pondered in April,...
...I'm also thinking that maybe I should just get some type of nalgene bottle instead of buying the liter water bottles. I think reusing them is a good step, but I could do more...
We decided to get a
Nalgene bottle, and (since I am such a supportive husband) I bought one also. It actually wound up as three, and each would have its use.

I thought that I would use it for a few weeks, and then be on to the next fad, but they are surprisingly perfect. We fill them up before we leave (mine with ice) and we're good for the trip. The longer the trip, the bigger the bottle. The big guy stays at home usually now, due its weight filled. I love it, and the number of regular water bottles we've bought since we got them, we could probably count on one hand.
Water bottles are definitely more convenient, but if you can fill up before you leave more power to you! :)
Reusable Nalgene BottlesLink:
Message in a Bottle [article]