Saturday, October 11, 2008

Oh yeah, and if all your friends were using coupons, would you too?

Every few Sundays, depending on my mood and the amount of stockpiled meat in the house, I'll stop by the newsstand and browse the cheapest Sunday paper. If I see that shiny paper insert, I lay down my $1 and throw my arm up, waving that newspaper, and yell out, "that's right world! I am buying toilet paper this week, and I'm going to save 60¢ on any two rolls of charmin!" I usually don't visit the same newsstand twice, for obvious reasons.

JC is really good about finding coupons online too. Various blogs in our "stretching a buck" blogroll (in the column on the right) post links to the finest deals and coupons. also has coupons you can print at home. Check with your grocery store though, as some don't trust this whole "internet" thingamahoo.

CNN posted an article today that says coupon use is increasing as our economy continues to tank. The reason isn't hard. Let's say you buy a sunday paper for $1. If you get two mediocre coupons out of it that each save you 60¢, then you've already made a 20¢ profit. If you're looking to save some money, buying the things you were already going to buy for less isn't rocket science. Combine that with a sale (typically a couple of weeks after the coupons are out, but before they expire) and you're looking at rockbottom pricing.

Of course, if you need designer checks or patriotic commemorative plates, I can't think of a better resource than those very same SmartSource inserts. Look, it's win-win no matter how you cut it.

...Or clip it.

Link: Economic shock gives rise to coupon cutting [via CNN]


Free From Broke said...

We've been using coupons from before the current economic situation. If you have the time and organization then why would you let companies charge you more then they should?

Columbia said...

Thanks FFB! JC's mom has even started shipping us her unused coupons, which is sweet. It seems that my mom in Long Island gets so many more in a weekend LI Newsday than we get in the newspapers here -- even the NYC edition of newsdays... go figure.